Tribute to former York Boxing Club member Cameron Shaw
October 26, 2022 | by Matt Halfpenny
England Boxing has been saddened to learn of the tragic death of former York Boxing Club Member Cameron Shaw.
The 25-year-old sadly passed away on Monday while on a snorkelling trip on the Great Barrier Reef, with a coroner’s investigation still trying to piece together exactly what happened.
After advancing through the ranks as an amateur, Shaw went on to box professionally, winning all four of his fights before the Covid-19 Pandemic struck.
His Head Coach at York, Billy Wilson, told the York Press: “I knew Cam very well and it’s a huge shock. Nobody expects anybody to die at the age of 25.
“He was a vibrant kid, full of beans, always joking and laughing, he was a good lad, a hard worker and lived his life to the fullest.”
Dad Rod Shaw told the Bradford Telepgraph and Argus: “Cam was a professional boxer, but then Covid struck and he had to put it to one side.
“He went on to become a fully qualified ski instructor in Switzerland and he had just spent a season in New Zealand and he wanted to see one of the seven wonders of the world – the Great Barrier Reef.
“Cam excelled at everything he did and we didn’t realise just how popular he was until now. We have been blown away. We just knew he was a gregarious, helpful and convivial guy – he threw his all into everything he did.”
Fellow boxer, Harry Matthews, added: “Absolutely gutted to hear the news of one of my former gym mates passing away I am deeply saddened as this man offered many laughs and always brought such good energy.