Tag Archive for: DiSE

Former student Horn gives DiSE advice

Former DiSE student Harvey Horn visited some of the current first-year…

DiSE students take Level One Coaching Course at SGS College

Nine teenage DiSE students have already been planning for their…

DiSE’s Brooklyn training in Tenerife to be fitter and faster

DiSE boxing student at SGS College Bristol, Brooklyn Chamberlain,…

The Joe Gallagher Academy’s trip to Barcelona

England Boxing DISE academy, The Joe Gallagher Academy, recently…

VIDEO: What to expect when a boxer joins the DiSE programme

What can you expect as a young boxer if you join England Boxing's…

VIDEO: DiSE Academy student Phoebe Griffiths-Johnson

Bognor ABC and DiSE Boxing Academy student Phoebe Griffiths-Johnson…

Tag Archive for: DiSE

DiSE seeks deliver partner in Liverpool area

England Boxing and South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS) are looking for a delivery partner in the Liverpool area to successfully deliver their DiSE programme for a cohort of up to 20 elite young boxers per year.

DiSE Zoom training session goes nationwide

The DISE weekly online training session has been expanded to incorporate students from all six centres across the country.

England coaches deliver interactive, online DiSE session

Around 30 members of the Diploma in Sporting Excellence (DiSE) programme joined England Talent coaches Mick Driscoll, Ivan Cobb and Adam Haniver for an interactive online session using the Zoom Conferencing app.

National double for DiSE London boxers

Two young boxers who attend the Diploma in Sporting Excellence (DiSE) programme at the Spotlight Centre, London have enjoyed a great few days at the England Boxing National Youth Championships 2020 at Birtley.