10th ABA National Championships
1890 | Holborn Central Hall, London
Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 52 kg JJ Rowe (Royal Victor AAC) J Clarke (Northampton AC)
Under 57 kg GF Belsey (Polytechnic ABC) D Murphy (Finsbury Polytechnic BC)
Under 63 kg AJ Newton (Isledon ABC) H Fawcett (Cestus ABC)
Under 71 kg J Hoare (Orion ABC) G West (Birmingham ABC)
Under 91 kg Joe Steers (London ABC) W Castle (Newcastle Newmarket ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 57 kg H Brown (Northampton ABC) C Ford (Birmingham ABC)
Under 60 kg T McNeil (Cestus ABC) G Clarke (Northampton ABC)
Under 64 kg W Neale (Birmingham ABC) M Enright (Stanhope ABC)
Under 75 kg G Sykes (Cestus ABC) J Gamble (Manchester ABC)
Under 91 kg A Bowman (Royal Victor ABC) F Mead (Northampton ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 57 kg H Oakman (Mid Surrey ABC) J Webb (Cardiff)
Under 60 kg J Taylor (St James ABC) T McNeil (Cestus ABC)
Under 64 kg A Newton (St Pancras ABC) T Evans (Cardiff)
Under 75 kg Robert Hair (St James ABC) P Maher (Dublin)
Under 91 kg W King (Belsize ABC) H Briggs (Newport)

7th ABA National Championships
1887 | St James' Hall, London
Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 57 kg T Isley (Birmingham ABC) H Oakman (Surrey ABC)
Under 60 kg J Pennell (Manchester ABC) J Glaze (Birmingham ABC)
Under 64 kg John Hair (North London ABC) W Jones (Birmingham ABC)
Under 75 kg Robert Hair (North London ABC) B Vernon (Hanbury ABC)
Under 91 kg Edward White (Belle Sauvage ABC) J Varley (Birmingham ABC)

6th ABA National Championships
1886 | St James; Hall, London
Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 57 kg T Isley (Birmingham ABC) A Woodward (Birmingham ABC)
Under 60 kg T McNeil (Cestus ABC) J Pennell (Manchester ABC)
Under 64 kg C Roberts (Royal Victor ABC) R Blackwood (Blackheath ABC)
Under 75 kg W King (Belsize ABC) P Ruskell (West End of Schools of Arms ABC)
Under 91 kg Anthony Diamond (Birmingham ABC) J Murray (West London ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 57 kg A Woodward (Birmingham ABC) J Shea (London ABC)
Under 60 kg J Pennell (Manchester ABC) H Croysdell (Middleton ABC)
Under 64 kg Anthony Diamond (Birmingham ABC) E Gobby (Royal Victor ABC)
Under 75 kg M Salmon (London ABC) W King (Belsize ABC)
Under 91 kg W West (Northampton ABC) Henry Thomas Dearsley (St James ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 57 kg A Woodward (Birmingham ABC) A Oates (London ABC)
Under 60 kg E Hutchings (19th Middlesex Rifles) H Croysdell (GGS ABC)
Under 64 kg Anthony Diamond (Birmingham ABC) D Bacon (West London ABC)
Under 75 kg W Brown (Birmingham ABC) W West (Northampton ABC)
Under 91 kg Henry Thomas Dearsley (St James ABC) W West (Northampton ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 57 kg Tom Hill (Birmingham ABC) H Croysdell (GGS ABC)
Under 60 kg Anthony Diamond (Birmingham ABC) D Bacon (London ABC)
Under 75 kg A Curnick (West London ABC) W Brown (Birmingham ABC)
Under 91 kg Henry Thomas Dearsley (Thames ABC) W West (Northampton ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg Tom Hill (Birmingham ABC) E Hutchings (18th Middlesex)
Under 60 kg Arthur Bettison (GGS ABC) W Shilcock (Birmingham ABC)
Under 75 kg A Curnick (Clapton ABC) H Windett (GGS ABC)
Under 91 kg Henry Thomas Dearsley (St James ABC) H Murray (Queens Road ABC)

1st ABA National Championships
1881 | St James' Hall, London
Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 57 kg Tom Hill (Birmingham ABC) A Williams (London ABC)
Under 60 kg F Hobday (Clapton ABC) C Browne (Birmingham ABC)
Under 75 kg T Bellhouse (Manchester ABC) W Brown (Birmingham ABC)
Under 91 kg Richard Frost-Smith (Clapton ABC) J Goodfellow (Tower Hamlets ABC)