UK Coaching Club launches upgraded membership levels
February 14, 2023 | by Chris Boyd
UK Coaching Club has upgraded their offering to provide more support to enhance your coaching experience and development.
Designed to support and advance coaches at every level, UK Coaching’s new membership levels – Basic, Premium, and Platinum – have made it easier for you to access the resources and 24/7 support that you need to achieve your goals and thrive in your coaching journey.
With over 180k coaches and growing, UK Coaching Club has a long history of supporting and advancing coaches and instructors across all levels of sport and physical activity.
Their relaunch is taking that support to new heights. They will continue to add an even more comprehensive range of resources, development opportunities, and protection to help empower coaches to excel in their coaching journey. They will also provide added support to alleviate pressures in their everyday life.
UK Coaching Club will also be offering Group Memberships where larger groups, clubs and organisations can sign up to group platinum and premium memberships.
Click here to Join the Club.