Tribute: Harry Pritchard
April 8, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
England Boxing and the Yorkshire Boxing Association have been saddened to hear of the passing of highly influential official Harry Pritchard on 2nd April.
Harry was the founder member of the Sharleston ABC (Normanton West Yorkshire) and was also the Hon Sec, Coach, Matchmaker, and Treasurer for the Yorkshire Region.
Mick Rowe, Yorkshire Association Chairman, wrote: “Harry was Treasurer for at least 20 years and Judge and Supervisor for many years, as well as Team Manager for Inter Association matches.
“He was the England Team Manager on many occasions and was extremely popular with the members of the Team.
“Harry had many friends all over the country. One in particular was Tony Burns the renowned Coach of the Repton Club.
“On a personal level was Harry an accomplished “club turn” with an excellent singing voice.
“A true gentleman, quiet and unassuming, he always willing to help with any task in and out of the sport. Harry suffered from ‘Parkinson’s’ for many years but never complained. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.”
Tommy Devanny, Yorkshire Welfare Officer said Harry was his long-time mentor and great friend, working side by side at countless shows supporting Yorkshire boxing.
Harry worked as OIC and judge and was always great company.
Phil Sellars, of Burmontofts ABC, said Harry was ‘a true gentleman and great ambassador for the sport and the Yorkshire Association who will be sadly missed’.
Rowe, added; “When I first started officiating, it was Harry who took me under his wing like he had done with countless others.
“He would guide us on our journey in a way only Harry could do. He became a great friend who always had a smile and would advise whenever needed.
“He loved Yorkshire and the boxing and I always looked forward to him visiting our club on show nights where he would always compliment Mom on the judge’s food being served.
“I, like everyone, will sadly miss the great, kind man and our thoughts are with wife Margaret and the family.”