North East duo to carry Queen’s Baton for Commonwealth Games 2022
May 27, 2022 | by Matt Halfpenny
North East CSO, Laura Sargeant and Empire School of Boxing, Margaret Welsh will be baton bearers in the 16th official Queen’s Baton Relay for the Commonwealth Games, hosted in Birmingham.
Baton-bearers have been chosen in all nine regions of England, and reflect the diversity in communities across the country.
The Queen’s Baton Relay is set to travel the length of England, before culminating at the Opening Ceremony for Birmingham 2022 on 28 July.
The Baton will be carried through Teesside and Country Durham on July 14, moving to Tyneside, Newcastle and Gateshead the next day, before reaching the final destination in Birmingham on Thursday July 28.
North East CSO and coach at East Middlesbrough ABC, Laura Sargeant said: “It was a real honour to get nominated. There were over eight-thousand entries and only 2022 being picked, so I never in a million years expected to be selected!
“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity so I’m very grateful to be a part of it.”
2022’s Commonwealth Games is set to be an occasion to remember as it falls during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
In England, the Queen’s Baton Relay will provide the opportunity for communities to experience the joy and excitement for Birmingham 2022, which will showcase a plethora of awe-inspiring sport.
Margaret Welsh, Coach at Empire School Of Boxing, said: “Everyone is over the moon, and It’s becoming real now.
“To be chosen is an honour, I was in Australia with family, had a bottle of champagne to celebrate.”
Margaret’s husband Les carried the torch 10 years ago, which makes this an even more ‘special’ for the family.
“I think it’s great, people from the club said they will be there cheering me on.”
Welch will carrying the baton on July 15 through Blyth, where each Batonbearer segment is approximately 200 metres.
You can follow The Queen’s Baton Relay route here.