Mind launches new Mental Health and Physical Activity Toolkit
April 29, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
England Boxing would like to let members know that Mind has today (Thursday 29th April) launched its new Mental Health and Physical Activity Toolkit.
The Toolkit, consisting of 10 guides, aims to help sport, physical activity and mental health providers to support and engage people experiencing mental health problems in physical activity.
It comes on the back of a sector-wide survey hosted in Summer 2020. The survey findings highlighted the need to combine the organisation’s existing toolkits: one for mental health services providers and the other for the sport sector.
The new Toolkit also needed to include knowledge, insight and outcomes resulting from Mind’s Get Set to Go and Sector Support programmes.
The resource has been developed by working with people with lived experience of mental health problems, representatives from the mental health sector and the sport and physical activity workforce.
Co-production has been essential to create content that is relevant for sport, physical activity and mental health providers and ensures their work in this area meets the needs of people experiencing mental health problems.
The series of Toolkit guides include:
- The relationship between mental health and physical activity
- Involving people with lived experience of mental health problems in the design and delivery
- Making physical activities inclusive to people experiencing mental health problems
- Measuring the impact of a physical activity and mental health service
Each one provides guidance, tools, templates and good practice case studies to help clubs and organisations provide an inclusive and welcoming environment for people experiencing mental health problems to be physically active.