Learn how to save a life with UK Coaching’s Sudden Cardiac Arrest Digital Toolkit
May 18, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
Sudden Cardiac Arrest can happen to anyone, anytime, anyplace, with 60,000 people having a sudden cardiac arrest in the community every year in the UK.
Sadly, only one in 10 survive. However, if effective action is taken within the first minute, it can treble chances of survival.
UK Coaching has launched a free life-saving free digital learning toolkit, which will help you gain the knowledge and confidence to respond quickly and appropriately in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.
It has been funded by Sport England and developed in collaboration with Resuscitation Council, St John Ambulance and Joe Humphries Memorial Trust.
The toolkit includes:
- practical information and advice
- an immersive scenario-based eLearning course
- a series of high impact and informative videos
- insightful interviews and compelling written features with survivors, their coaches, and victims’ families
- signposting to further support.
We encourage anyone involved in boxing – including coaches, club organisers, referees, volunteers, parents, participants and spectators – to access this life-saving learning.
England Development Coach Amanda Coulson said: “Having done the online course, which took me no longer than 45 minutes, I can say that I found it incredibly valuable.
“You can’t put a price on potentially being able to save someone’s life – not necessarily at your boxing club but whoever you come across in your life.”