Community Boxing Apprentices spotlight: Madeline Gittins
September 29, 2022 | by Chris Boyd
The apprenticeships have been created to harness the excitement and interest in the sport generated by the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games – and provide a lasting legacy. Madeline Gittins hopes to inspire young girls to take up the sport.
What is your name and age?
My name is Madi Gittins and I’m 18-years-old.
Are you part of a club already and, if so, in what capacity (i.e. coach, boxer, judge etc..)?
I’m part of St. Pauls Boxing Academy as a boxer.
How did you first get into boxing?
I was inspired by the 2012 Olympics and after it I went to watch my brother and male cousins. From there it made me want to join in myself.
What has been your favourite experience in boxing so far?
When I was selected for the EUBC European Youth Championships 2022 and the preparation in the run up to that, including a round robin tournament in Germany. I fought on my 18th birthday and won.
How excited are you to be working to help your local boxing community and what are you looking forward to the most?
As someone who is part of the local boxing community, I’m excited to inspire young girls to realise they can participate in what’s perceived to be a ‘boy sport’.
What do you hope to get out of your apprenticeship?
I hope to improve my communication skills and experience mixing with lots of different people.