Aspire programme underlines eagerness to develop women’s boxing
May 8, 2019 | by Matt Halfpenny
The inaugural session of England Boxing’s Aspire programme has shown there is a ‘real thirst’ to develop the standard of women’s boxing across the country, says National Development Coach Amanda Coulson.
80 female boxers – from minors to elite level – and 27 coaches came together in the GB Boxing gym at the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield on Sunday (5th May).
Those taking part were chosen by their respective regions (up to 10 boxers each) by whatever criteria they saw fit, with best attendance, most improved, most potential and boxers not getting many bouts included as reasons for selection.
Participants were split into four groups where they took part in workshops facilitated by England Boxing coaches.
Among the areas covered were sparring, mobility and reaction drills, technical work, video analysis, areas for development and a scenario quiz.
“With this first session we wanted to get all the regions involved and working together to see if this was something that was wanted – and the answer, judging by the uptake and feedback we have had seems to be an emphatic ‘yes’,” said Coulson.
“We had representation from all 11 regions invited and we were not too far away from maximum numbers, barring some potential attendees being involved in the England Boxing National Schools Championships and others being ill.
“The idea was for everyone to have fun, be part of a team and find areas for improvement and I think, without exception, that was the case for those who attended.
“The coaches were also pleased in the way that the session involved them, meaning they, as well as the boxers, got something out of the day to help their development.
“As a result of this, Eastern Counties have already confirmed they are setting up a monthly women’s squad and the same is in the pipeline for Merseyside and Cheshire, so we’re looking forward to the sessions to come.”
All participants were given an Aspire t-shirt and can look forward to further sessions in South Yorkshire on Sunday 7th July and Sunday 22nd September.