Annual General Meeting of England Boxing Limited (The Company) 2017
November 9, 2017 | by Matt Halfpenny
Annual General Meeting of England Boxing Limited (The Company)
Notice of meeting:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Company, in accordance with the Company’s Articles, will take place as follows: –
Sunday 19th November 2017
Start time 1pm
1882 Suite
Edgbaston Stadium
B5 7QU
(onsite parking is available)
1.To receive the Chairman’s report for the Company for the year.
2.To receive the Company’s accounts.
3.To pass a Special Resolution to amend the Articles of Association of the Company as follows, to take effect from the 1st December 2017.
3.1 Article 44 shall be changed as follows:
If within half an hour from the time appointed for the holding of a General Meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened on the requisition of Members, shall be dissolved. In any other case, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a start time of one hour later than the original time, at the same place (or at such other place as the Board may determine), and if at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, the representatives of the Club Members present shall constitute a quorum and shall be entitled to hold the meeting and vote on the business to be conducted thereat.
3.2 To introduce a new Article 59A, as follows:
In addition to and notwithstanding the articles above relating to the composition and selection of the Board, in exceptional circumstances the Board may co-opt one or more individuals onto the Board (with such individuals thereby becoming directors), insofar as it is necessary to do so to ensure that the Board has the requisite skills and experience to discharge its duties. Such director(s) shall serve on the Board until such time as director(s) who possess the relevant skills and experience have been appointed in accordance with the articles above, subject always to a maximum four year term. For the avoidance of doubt, provided that all other requirements under these articles are met, an individual co-opted onto the Board may subsequently become an appointed director pursuant to the appointment and selection procedures set out above, in which case any time served as a co-opted director shall count towards their term of service as an appointed director.
After the formal part of the AGM the Board will take questions from the floor including the Strategy for the period 2017 – 21.
By Order of the Board,
Gethin Jenkins
Chief Executive Officer
IMPORTANT: Voting – Appointing Representatives
Under Articles 41-42, if a Club Member wishes to attend, speak or vote at a General Meeting, or if an Associate Member wishes to attend or speak at a General Meeting, it must formally appoint an individual to represent it at that meeting.
Such an appointment must be approved by the board / committee of the Club Member or Associate Member in question, and must be recorded in writing, in a form signed by two club officers. A copy of the form is below.
The Board requests that all signed forms are sent to the England Boxing office at EIS Coleridge Road, Sheffield, S95DA, or by email to lynette.mayo@englandboxing.org to arrive no later than 5.00pm Friday 17 November. In order to enable attendees to be identified on the day as being properly authorised.
Representatives are also asked to bring copies of the signed forms to the AGM. Failure to do so may result in a representative not being able to participate at the General Meeting.
Proxy Voting
As set out above, Club Members and Associate Members participate at General Meetings through representatives who must be appointed as described above.
Separately from this, Members may appoint persons as their proxy to exercise all and any of their rights to attend, speak and/or vote at a meeting of the Company, pursuant to Article 324 of the Companies Act 2006.
The Board notes, as a practical matter, that the appointment of a proxy is materially similar to the appointment of a representative in the manner described above, and accordingly invites Club and Associate Members to make use of the representative appointment procedures described above. However, the Board is required by Section 325 of the Companies Act 2006 to make express reference of the right to appoint proxies under Section 324 of the Companies Act