Life-saving defibrillators to be mandatory by June 2022 – but help at hand
May 27, 2021 | by Chris Boyd
Every England Boxing member club will need to have access to and know how to use a defibrillator by 1st June 2022.
The mandatory requirement was originally set to become a membership rule ahead of the start of the 2020-21 season, but was put back because of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
But with Covid-19 restrictions now beginning to ease, and ahead of the 2022-23 season, clubs are once again being given notice of the need to equip themselves with the life-saving technology as part of the duty of care towards all individual members whilst on club premises.
There are more than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests across the UK every year and, without immediate treatment, 90 to 95 per cent of sudden cardiac arrest victims will die.
However, the chance of survival increases by 50 percent with immediate access to a life-saving defibrillator.
The defibrillator used by an England Boxing club must be a maximum distance of five minutes’ full journey on foot from the club (there and back, plus gaining any necessary access).
Should a club not have access to a defibrillator within the designated distance area, then they must obtain a defibrillator and are responsible for the maintenance of it.
All boxing shows are already required to have easy access to a defibrillator near the ring.
Saving the life of an Olympic hopeful
Olympic GB Boxing hopeful Cheavon Clarke (pictured above) found out first hand just how valuable a defibrillator can be when it saved his life.
The Under 91kg 2018 Commonwealth Games bronze medallist Clarke explained that he had his own life saved by a defibrillator after suffering complications with his appendix.
“As I know from personal experience, a heart problem could affect anyone at any time, and having a defibrillator quickly to hand can be the difference between life and death,” he said.
“As a competing boxer, it’s very reassuring to know that, with the help of the #EveryBeatCounts campaign, the places where we all train will soon give anyone who encounters severe problems the best possible chance of survival.
“Of course, there is an initial cost to meet to make this happen, but you really can’t put a price on saving someone’s life.”
Help to install a defibrillator
England Boxing recognises the financial impact installing a defibrillator can have and, as a result, has teamed up with charity London Hearts, who specialise in helping to roll out the equipment across the UK, to launch the #EveryBeatCounts campaign.
Not only will clubs be able to purchase a defibrillator at a cut-price figure, they will also be able to spread that cost over the next 16 months and access free training on how to use the equipment and carry out CPR, as well as receive fundraising support, should they need it.
England Boxing has secured the following package for clubs:
Ipad SP1 Defibrillator offer
- Dual functioning defibrillator suitable for both adults and children with the flick of a switch
- Free training for boxing club members and parents
- eight-year warranty
- Two sets of pads
- Responder kit which includes mask, scissors, razor and gloves
- Indoor bracket
- All maintenance includes replacement of pads.
Funding support
The cost of above piece of equipment with training would normally be £1,150, plus additional training and maintenance, which can cost another £400, but with the discount secured in partnership with London Hearts will cost £900, and include the full list of benefits.
For further details on how to apply for a defibrillator, please click on londonhearts.org/apply-online
Clubs have the option of paying monthly which will spread the cost per month, while many of the high street banks will provide matched funding if approached.
It is also possible to secure a grant to help pay the cost of a defibrillator, and some of the funds available are detailed here.
To apply for funding support, please contact your regional Club Support Officer here.
Safety is number one priority
England Boxing’s Membership Services Manager, Lynette Mayo, said: “Boxing clubs are used by many different teams and groups, not just the boxing clubs themselves, but many of these integral community spaces currently do not have defibrillators in place.
“The continued partnership between England Boxing and London Hearts aims to change that and ensure that in the future every boxer and spectator at every boxing club in England, no matter how big or small, will have access to a lifesaving heart defibrillator.
“The safety and wellbeing of its member boxers, officials, volunteers and spectators remains the number one priority for England Boxing, so we’re proud to be taking this step that can potentially have enormous benefits.”
Kim Lloyd-Owen, Senior Operations Manager at London Hearts, added: “We’re delighted to be partnering with England Boxing on this campaign, as we are passionate about helping to save people’s lives all over the UK.
If you already have a defibrillator in place in your club, or when you get yours in place, please remember to send us a picture with the title #EveryBeatCounts to enquiries@englandboxing.org or tag us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and use the #EveryBeatCounts hashtag.
Thank you for your ongoing support in making our clubs safer.