£1.25m secured by boxing clubs to help secure futures
May 1, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
England Boxing clubs have now secured financial help to the tune of almost £1.25 million to help their futures once Coronavirus lockdown restrictions are lifted.
A total of 283 clubs from across the country have reached out to secure some form of monetary support – often assisted by our team of Club Support Officers (CSOs), who have been on hand to provide valuable advice.
It means clubs who feared the worst after being denied regular income from subs, membership and shows can now look forward optimistically to the time when they are given government go-ahead to reopen.
Among the funding streams that have been accessed by clubs are The Maverick Stars Trust, the Sport England Community Emergency Fund, central government’s Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund and Small Business Grants Funds, local active partnerships, the Tesco Community Fund, the Pohwer NSS grant and local authority resilience funds.
Additional income has also been generated by the ongoing #KOCOVID19 campaign – which this week saw boxer and poet Matt Windle write an inspirational poem to promote the cause – securing donations for more than 135 clubs and generated in excess of £115,000 in the process.
“To have such an amount of money secured by clubs at this stage to help them through these uncertain times is fantastic – and there is likely to be more funding to come from other clubs who have applied,” said Head of Community Development, Ron Tulley.
“We know how much of a hit clubs have taken by not being able to open and losing income, so this comes as a welcome relief to those who have been funded – and we’d like to thank all the organisations who have provided clubs with funding.”
“The success rate among boxing clubs who have applied is high, so we would encourage all who have not done so yet, but are worried about finances, to look into the process without delay.”
If your club has not applied for financial support, but needs help, please go to England Boxing’s ‘Summary of financial assistance for clubs’ page, where you can find out what help is available.
Alternatively, you can contact the CSO relevant to your region here.