England Boxing is keen to keep the boxing community and stakeholders abreast of the progress made against its strategic plan for 2022-27.
Below is a quarterly headline summary of that progress under the four key objectives of A thriving boxing community, An inclusive, diverse and accessible sport, An inspirational and aspirational competition and talent pathway and A respected and valued NGB.
2024 – quarter one progress
A thriving boxing community
- Delivery of 30+ in-person and online surgeries to support clubs with the roll-out of the Locker, and over 3,000 enquiries having been responded and concluded with thanks to the Membership, Community & Workforce teams.
- Roll-out of the club health check visits has begun, with ~100 clubs having already received in-person support visits from their local CSO’s. With CSO’s set to visit all 1,070 EB affiliated clubs by June 2025, this will be an ongoing feature of out strategy to help our members thrive.
- The second England Boxing annual awards ceremony was held in July 2024 with 12 volunteers being recognised for their efforts and dedication to the sport. Attendance from Jonny Nelson, Junior Witter and Callum Simpson were very welcome additions
An inclusive, diverse and accessible sport
- EB Apprenticeship programme continues with 5 young people due to complete their studies and move onto new career opportunities in December 2024 and February 2025.
- EB has announced its Workforce Conference due to be held in November, incorporating our EDI & Women in Boxing Conferences as key areas of discussion across a wider audience of our members & partners than ever before
- Year 3 of the Community Inclusion Club Programme is in progress with 50+ clubs delivering disability inclusion sessions nationwide.
- Year 4 of the Female Coach Development programme and year 3 for the Women’s Officials Development programme are now well underway.
- Women’s Aspire & Inspire continues to offer women & girls opportunities to develop and learn from one another.
- EB has submitted its Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan to Sport England and will be publishing it shortly once it has final sign-off
An inspirational and aspirational competition and talent pathway
- The Level 3 Coaching Course continues to be a success with cohort two participants now reaching the halfway point of their training, and applications now being received for cohort 3 due to start in April 2024.
- 140+ guests in attendance at the 2024 Annual Awards, Sunny Edwards, Jonny Nelson, Junior Witter and other VIP guests
- 371 National Champions over the 2023-2024 season, and 1,937 participants across all EB Championship rounds (Quarter Finals onwards)
- The second year of the senior programme is now underway with a new cohort of young men and women representing England internationally
- EB successfully launched it’s PPV streaming & merchandise range for championship viewers / attendees earlier this year as part of its ongoing commercialisation to ensure the sport is sustainable for the long-term
A respected and valued NGB
- EB has continued to increase its number of followers and subscribers across all social media platforms, most notably Tik Tok.
- The Locker has been successfully launched as EB’s new CRM system, revolutionising the sport by transitioning to digital BCR1’s and offering members more features and benefits than ever before possible.
- EB has transitioned across the First Advantage to conduct DBS checks on coaches & officials as part of its continuing upgrades.
- Sponsorship continues with our partners at BOXXER, Sting, ActiPH, CB Protection and Unibox.
- New partnerships are currently being worked on with further announcements due to be made in the coming months.