Should you wish to become a judge or referee, you will need to get in touch with the Regional Secretary of the area you are based in.
Details of Regional Associations can be found here. Alternatively, you can register your interest by completing this online form.
You will then need to complete a one-day course of approximately five hours prior to sitting the written paper around one week later.
Once you have successfully passed your course, you then need to register via The Vault with England Boxing Officials, or through your chosen England Boxing Club.
Please note there is no requirement for an official to obtain a DBS certificate.
Becoming a judge
To become a Grade C Judge, you must sit a written paper which are set and marked by Regional Assessors.
If you are successful in passing this element, you will then be asked to sit ringside and judge at least 10 bouts (your scores will not be used in the decision of the bout, but are compared to the scores with the other judges).
Once the assessor passes you on your practical, a copy of the top copy of the Grade C written paper is returned to the Secretary of the Technical Rules and R&J’s Sub-committee and a certificate will be issued.
Upon receiving your certificate, you are then qualified to be used as a judge on club shows only once your registration with England Boxing has been completed and you are in possession of your ID Card and Officials Record and Registration Book.
Becoming a referee
After having been a Judge for 12 months, a Grade C Judge can then take a Grade C Referee written exam, providing you have judged at least 50 bouts.
The papers are held by, and will be marked by, the Regional Assessors. If you are successful in passing this element, you will be asked to referee at least five contests.
Your capability will be assessed by an A Grade Referee or above (AIBA status). If you are successful in the practical element a copy of the top copy of the Grade C written paper is returned to the Secretary of the Technical Rules and R&J’s Sub-committee and a certificate will be issued.
You are then qualified to be used as a referee on club shows only.