Rotunda ABC

VIDEO: Rotunda ABC get behind Liverpool’s Active Promise campaign

February 25, 2019 | by Matt Halfpenny


Liverpool’s Rotunda ABC have featured prominently at the launch of the city’s new Active Promise campaign.

Liverpool City Council developed the initiative in close partnership with the Youth Sport Trust in a bid to be the most active core city in England by 2026.

The aim is to get 90 per cent of children and young people achieving 30 active minutes every day, and a 10 per cent increase in those achieving Chief Medical Officer guidelines.

And Rotunda will certainly been doing their part, with the video below highlighting how they will successfully deliver active sessions in the community.

Currently, only 48 per cent of children and young people aged 5 to 15 in Liverpool are achieving the levels of activity recommended (60 mins per day), while just 10 per cent of 0 to 5s are achieving recommended levels of activity (180 minutes per day).

Boxing, however, has a rich heritage within the City of Liverpool and boxing clubs are set to play a strong role in supporting both recreation and performance boxing over the coming years, helping their local communities get more active.

Click here to view the video.