Update on 2018 EUBC Schoolboys and Schoolgirls European Boxing Championships selection
January 12, 2018 | by Gemma Field
The 2018 EUBC Schoolboys and Schoolgirls European Boxing Championships has recently been confirmed as taking place on 21st – 30th May 2018. The event usually takes place in July – September each year and England Boxing was previously advised that the event will take place in June or July in 2018.
Due to this late change, this now directly clashes with the England Boxing Schools National Championships (finals are on the 26th May), therefore a team to represent England will have to be selected before the Schools National Championships begin. All other options were considered but, looking at the overall domestic competitions schedule, it is too late to change the dates of the Schools National Championships without causing severe disruption to clubs and boxers in this and other National Championships.
Communications are ongoing with EUBC about the dates for all events in future years and, if necessary, England Boxing will consider moving the dates of the Schools Championships to avoid this scenario again.
This approach will mean that any boxers selected for the European Championships will not be able to participate in the Schools National Championships. However, a boxer can choose to participate in the Schools National Championships instead of the Schools European Championships. Once a boxer’s position on the European team is confirmed, they should withdraw their entry from the Schools National Championships.
The selection for the GB Schools Three Nations will remain unaffected with the Schools National Champion (Class B) being England’s selection.
In order to select a team for the European Championships, the main selection camp will be held at O’Dells BC in Birmingham (Firs & Bromford Sports and Community Centre, Cameronian Croft, Birmingham, B36 8UB) for boxers outlined below.
Boxers must have been a finalist in the 2017 Class A Schools Championships or a finalist in the 2017 Minors Schools Championships. All boxers must have, or be eligible to have, a UK passport.
• 17th March 10am – 2pm: 38.5kg to 50kg (current weight category)
• 18th March 10am – 2pm: 52kg – 76kg+ (current weight category)
Any boxers who entered the Schools National Championships in 2017 who were born in either 2004 or 2005. All boxers must have, or be eligible to have, a UK passport.
• 17th March 2pm – 4pm: 36kg – 50kg (current weight category)
• 18th March 2pm – 4pm: 52kg – 76kg+ (current weight category)
In order to give every boxer every chance, England Boxing will also hold a northern and southern preliminary assessment camp on the weekend of 3rd and 4th March for eligible boxers who were born in 2004 or 2005 and are of potential international standard. Further details on locations and how to register attendance will released in due course.
Click here for a flow chart explanation of the process