Clean Sport Week
April 18, 2024 | by Jerome Pels
UK Anti-Doping’s (UKAD) national awareness week, Clean Sport Week is back for 2024! Taking place from 13 – 17 May, the theme of this highly anticipated campaign is ‘Journey to the Podium’.
Clean sport is an essential part of every athlete’s journey to the podium – it should never be an after thought. Whether you’re an athlete, coach, parent, nutritionist, part of a national governing body, or play any other role within sport, it’s vital that you promote a clean environment and help to protect your sport and the athletes within it.
Throughout the week we will be hearing from a range of sporting stars as they detail the hard work, dedication, passion and determination its taken to achieve their goals, all whilst ensuring clean sport is at the heart of that journey.
UKAD will be hosting events, publishing news stories, sharing unique interviews and videos throughout the week, plus so much more. So be sure to follow UKAD linked below, and watch for more information coming soon.